Yakatabune Iwaiya | Tokyo YokohamaYakatabune Iwaiya | Tokyo Yokohama

Ariake passenger ship terminal


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Ariake passenger ship terminal details

Tokyo Big Sight Station of Yurikamome 3-minute walk from South Exit
Kokusai-Tenjijo Station of Rinkai Line 7-minute walk
Ariake Station of Yurikamome 8-minute walk from West Exit

Address and information around the pier

Address : 3-12-13 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo

This pier is very close to Tokyo Big Sight, so it has great access from multiple stations. There are cafés and restaurants surrounding the pier; please check the business days and hours. Since this area may be very crowded depending on events at Tokyo Big Sight, please come to the pier well in advance.

Parking lot

★Times Ariake Frontier (3-7 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo)
 7:00-23:00, entrance up to 22:00
 400 yen/30 min (7:00-23:00)
 Maximum rate 1,800 yen per day on weekdays and 2,200 yen on weekends and Holidays

★Times Ariake Central Tower (3-7 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo)
 Available for 24 hours
 300 yen/30 min (weekdays) maximum rate 1,800 yen per day
 400 yen/30 min (weekends and holidays)

*The parking fare may be changed without notice.

Full View of Ariake passenger ship terminal

The boarding pier is roofed and has a large entrance. It is a good meeting spot. When the yakatabune arrives, our staff will show you to the boat, so please wait here until then.

Stairs to Ariake Passenger Boat Terminal

The boarding place is on the 1st floor. Go downstairs from the promenade, and you will find the pier. There are toilets near the boadrding place, so you can relax and wait for boarding in this terminal.

Ariake passenger ship terminal distant view

From the nearby station, it is easy to get to the pier through the promenade. Please check billboards in the surroundings. This is the view from the front exit of Tokyo Big Sight Station of Yurikamome.

Around Ariake passenger ship terminal

The promenade is connected to the nearby stations on the same floor level. The passage has a roof, so you do not have to worry about rain. There are many shops including convenience stores around the stations.
