Yakatabune Iwaiya | Tokyo YokohamaYakatabune Iwaiya | Tokyo Yokohama

Operation company

Iwaiya is operated by SPICE SERVE Co., Ltd.


– FOR YOUR SPICY LIFE – As an event creator, we will create an unforgettable time, space, and encounter, and make your life more colorful. We will give everybody involved with SPICE SERVE “inspiration that will energize your life.”


We will keep customizing “places” full of possibility according to the changes in the world. That is the work provided by SPICE SERVE.

Cruise business
Travel business
Shop operation
Inbound business
Support rangers for party organizers

Various methods of “creating a place” that energize customers’ lives…

We define the source that changes ordinary daily life to an extraordinary experience in an instant as “creative feeling of resort” and work hard to be a service frontier that nobody has ever seen before.

Please visit our corporate site for more details.



Operating company SPICE SERVE Co., Ltd.
Address 1F Bright East Shibaura 3-18-21 Kaigan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0022
TEL: +81-3-6435-6107 (main line) FAX: +81-3-6435-4569
Founded April 14, 2009
Capital 10,000,000 yen
Business profile 1. Cruise business
2. Travel business
3. Shop operation
4. Inbound business
5. Support rangers for party organizers
Travel service supervisor Affiliation: Japan Association of Travel Agents (JATA)
Travel agency registered with Tokyo Metropolis  No. 2-6879
Other certificates 2 general travel service supervisors

1 domestic travel service supervisor
2 general itinerary supervisors
1 domestic itinerary supervisor
8 1st grade small boat operator’s license holders
8 special small boat operator’s license holders
2 navigators
2 marine engineer
■Passengers domestic non-regular route business license registration No. 1026
■Passengers non-regular route business license registration Kanto No. 1205
■Anniversary Cruise® trademark registration No. 5989795
* The company that established Cruising Day (September 6)
List of business partners 電通 日産自動車 フジテレビ リクルート 日立製作所
豊田自動車 三菱商事 三井物産 テレビ朝日 朝日放送
JFEメカニカル 東芝 アサツーディーケー 大和証券
デロイトトーマツコンサルティング 新日鉄 アクセンチュア
キングレコード 三井住友信託 栄光ゼミナール ドコモ
ソフトバンク 森永製菓 清水建設 日本IBM 名鉄観光
武田薬品工業 グーグル NTTデータ いすづ自動車
パーク24 サイバーエージェント  フィリップモリス
リンク&モチベーション 日本旅行 プルデンシャル生命
東京大学 慶應義塾大学