Yakatabune Iwaiya | Tokyo YokohamaYakatabune Iwaiya | Tokyo Yokohama

Etchujima boarding pier


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Etchujima boarding pier details

From Shinjuku/Roppongi Tsukishima Station of Toei Oedo Line 8-minute walk from exit No. 4 of the station
From Shinkiba, Ikebukuro, Iidabashi Tokyo Metro Yurakucho Line "Tsukishima" 8-minute walk from exit No. 4
From Urayasu, Nishi-funabashi, Takadanobaba, Nakano Monzen-Nakacho Station of Tokyo Metro Tozai Line 8-minute walk from exit No. 4 of the station
From Tokyo, Shinkiba, Chiba-minato Etchujima Station of JR Keiyo Line 3-minute walk from exit No.1 of the station

Address and information around the pier

Address : Etchujima park (Etchujima water bus stop) 1-chome saki, Etchujima, Koto-ku, Tokyo

A pier in Etchujima Park, next to the Etchujima swimming pool. Across Kiyomizu-dori, there is an etchujima campus of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology. The pier has a quiet atmosphere with good access. There are many old restaurants around the nearest station, Monzen-nakamachi. Around Tsukishima station, you can enjoy local food, "monja-yaki," as there are many good monja-yaki restaurants.

Parking lot

★Times Tsukuda No. 4 (2-22 Tsukuda, Chuo-ku, Tokyo)
 Business hours: 8:00-22:00
 400 yen/30 minutes

★Mitsui-no-Repark Furuishiba 1chome (1-9-13 Furuishiba, Koto-ku, Tokyo)
 Business hours: Available for 24 hours
 200 yen/30 minutes (8:00-22:00) 2,000 yen maximum per use
 100 yen/30 minutes (22:00-8:00) 600 yen maximum per use

 *The above parking fares may be changed.

Full View of Etchujima boarding pier

The boarding pier is in Etchujima Park, from which you can see the beautiful scenery of the Sumida River. Around the pier is a promenade and park, which is a great meeting spot. There are few shops around the pier, so please buy what you need in advance.

Etchujima boarding pier

The gate to the pier is usually locked. Please wait for our yakatabune staff near the pier. There are public toilets in the spacious park. It is a nice place to wait for our staff.

Entrance of Etchujima Park

At the entrance of Etchujima Park next to the pier is a large object of anchor. After you pass the entrance of the park, go up the mild slope, and then you will see the stairs on your left. Please go downstairs. You will find the Etchujima pier.
