Yakatabune Iwaiya | Tokyo YokohamaYakatabune Iwaiya | Tokyo Yokohama

Fukagawa boarding pier (Tsurifune Bashi pier)


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Fukagawa boarding pier (Tsurifune Bashi pier) details

How to come by JR Etchujima Station of JR Keiyo Line 10-minute walk from Exit 3
How to come by Tokyo Metro Monzen-Nakacho Station of Tokyo Metro Tozai Line 10-minute walk from Exit 2
How to come by Tokyo Metro Kiba Station of Tokyo Metro Tozai Line 7-minute walk from Exit 4

Address and information around the pier

Address : 3-2-1 Furuishiba, Koto-ku, Tokyo

This pier has good transportation access from JR and Tokyo Metro stations. There are many coin-operated parking lots and convenience stores in the area. Only yakatabune Segawa-maru is available at this pier.

Full View of Fukagawa boarding pier

You will get on the boat by going upstairs. Please wait in front of the stairs for our staff, who will show you to the boat. The pier is in a residential area, so please be considerate of the residents in the area.

Yakatabune observed from the Fukagawa boarding pier

The Fukagawa area has a long history of yakatabune, and many yakatabune moor in the area. You can enjoy the nostalgic atmosphere of the Edo period before and after the cruise.

Fukagawa boarding pier entrance

You will get on the boat by stepping up wooden stairs. Our staff will help you get on the boat.
