Yakatabune Iwaiya | Tokyo YokohamaYakatabune Iwaiya | Tokyo Yokohama

Zounohana pier (Yokohama)


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Zounohana pier (Yokohama) details

From Shibuya and Ikebukuro Nihon-odori Station of Minatomirai Line 4-minute walk from Exit 3
From Tokyo/Shinagawa or Isogo/Ofuna Kannai Station of JR Negishi Line 10-minute walk from South Exit
For Azamino/Shin-Yokohama, Totsuka/Shonandai Kannai Station of Yokoyama City Subway Blue Line 10-minute walk from South Exit

Address and information around the pier

Address : Near 1-1 Kaigandori, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa
*Zounohana pier is in Zounohana Park.

This pier is in Elephant's Trunk Park at the foot of Osanbashi Bridge. There is a ship berth in the area that is often used for movies and dramas. You can enjoy the atmosphere of a port town. Red Brick Warehouse and Yokohama Marine Tower are near the pier, so you can enjoy sightseeing before and after the cruise.

Parking lot

★Osanbashi parking lot (1-1-4 Kaigandori, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa)
 Available for 24 hours
 500 yen for the first hour and 250 yen per 30 minutes afterward.
 Maximum rate 1,500 yen per day on weekdays
 Maximum rate 2,000 yen per day on weekends and holidays

★The 2nd parking lot of Hatoba Kaikan Hall (Near 1-1 Kaigandori, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa)
 Available for 24 hours
 500 yen/2 hours

*The parking fare may be changed without notice.

Full View of Zounohana pier

There is a spacious park with floor tiles around the pier. The area is crowded with street performers and tourists on weekends and holidays.

Full View of Zounohana pier

Many boats moor around the pier. This place has been used for the shooting of movies or dramas.

Zounohana pier entrance

Go down a mild slope to the boarding pier. The pier can be accessed easily without any steps. Please wait in front of the entrance of the slope.
